Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Marine Moon L-Shaped Memory Foam Pregnancy Pillow with Cover, Sale Price. $24 (Orig. $60)


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Sale Price. $24 (Orig. $60)

coupon code "PMO4HFNE"

  •  Full Body Support: Our patented L-shaped body pillow is designed to replace the need for multiple bed pillows while providing full-body support. Make you relax and restore with the head-to-toe comfort, deliver the relief of pressure point for side sleepers and pregnant women.
  • Ergonomic Pillow: The contour neck pillow with interlocking shredded 100% memory foam adapts to the neck and elaborately extends to shoulders for fitted personalized support. It WON’T GO FLAT OVER TIME! Please note: the memory foam was compressed for shipping, please take the filling mass apart by hand and allow 24 hours to expand.