Sale Price. $35 (Orig $97)
coupon code "UXLCMIZM"
Expires 3/22/2021
Massage gun for athletes: Through deep and powerful vibration can not
only relax your stiff muscle but also relax your soft tissue, at the
same time, Kim Carrey Percussion Massage Gun can also help you stimulate
the circulation of blood and release lactic acid. Using our muscle
massage gun to soothe all of your aches and pains and make your muscles
and body a comfortable feeling.
Function of massage gun: (1)Reduce or eliminate pain and swelling
(2)Restore elasticity and length to muscles (3)Increase range of motion
(4)Increase blood flow and lymphatic (5) Prevention of fasciitis. All in
all, the massage gun will bring you comfort and health.